Harmony and other events
2020 onwards
Graphic Design
Motion Graphics
Social Media
The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY) is a voluntary youth movement which promotes intangible aspects of Indian cultural heritage through classical music, classical dance, folk music, yoga, meditation, crafts and other aspects of Indian culture.
I helped in the creation of videos, postcards, social media posts for promotional activities and performances.
Using a yellow colour backdrop to keep in line with branding that they followed since the 70s. However, I played with the typography, imagery that may help bring a new audience.
Did You Know?

We produced a series of ‘Did You Know’ Posters with simple colourful illustrations, which may gauge people’s interest.
The written content was provided by other volunteers in the group, and was translated in German, Spanish, French, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian and Dutch and shared with the Indian embassies, schools, colleges in their respective country.
Instagram Grid for Harmony Series 2020

Great Master Series
Creating social media videos for publicity for a weekly event that showcases the great artists
Harmony Series
Worked on the idea of Masking for these promotional videos